Inguinal Hernia, Charleston GI

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Inguinal hernia occur when tissue pokes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscle wall into the groin. Charleston GI explains more here!

James Andrew Lohan, MD

Stomach & Duodenum, MUSC Health

Inguinal Hernia: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Case report: Amyand hernia reincarnate and the utility of computed tomography, Annals of Pediatric Surgery

Contents of Giant inguinal hernia sac showing Transverse colon(TC)


Lowcountry Endoscopy Center, Gastroenterology

Small bowel lymphoma presenting as inguinal hernia: case report and literature review, World Journal of Surgical Oncology

Dr. Bryan K. Thomas, MD, Charleston, SC, General Surgeon

Case report: Amyand hernia reincarnate and the utility of computed tomography, Annals of Pediatric Surgery