Kim Kardashian Makes No Apology For Using Climate Change As Part of Her Method for Selling More Shit That Will Contribute to Climate Change

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Even though October is certainly the time to exhibit frights and horrors, perhaps nobody could have anticipated what Kim Kardashian had in store for Halloween. No stranger to the crass methods it t…

The Falling Man Is the Visual Manifestation of the Shit Sandwich or Shit Cereal Paradox

Telling People Not to Go Outside Is the New Telling People Not to Smoke

Attempt at Changing Date of Halloween Celebrations Yet Another Sign of Pussy Times

Regarding the Term “Daddy Issues”

Kim Kardashian Culled Culture

Selfie Classes: The Next Worst Development After Selfie Sticks

The Ease With Which People Adopt “Being Californian”

sex and the city episodes

Selfie Classes: The Next Worst Development After Selfie Sticks

Telling People Not to Go Outside Is the New Telling People Not to Smoke

Pop Culture Culled Culture

Innocent Old White Lady” Racism & Grace Coddington